Monday, December 7, 2009

O dear!

Me: Haven, whose birthday is it on Christmas?

Haven: MINE!

[Haven busts out in song]: hape duyas (happy birthday) to haven... hape duyas to..

Me Interrupts: No. your birthday is AFTER Christmas.

Haven: oh...

Me: Whose birthday is on Christmas?


Me: hahah no...

Haven: YES!

Me: No bud, it's Jesus's birthday.

Haven: NO SANTA'S!

[jen and i hang our heads in shame]

it took another couple minutes to convince him it wasn't Santa's birthday.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cricket goes for a walk

Macgyver lives on...

So every time we go to a garage sale, or one of Haven's friends house and he sees one of those Little Tikes cars, he MUST ride on it. He loves them. We were going to pick up one, but we really don't have a lot of room in our house with all the billion other toys, cars, etc.. so we never really thought it would be a good idea. Yesterday I got to work and the place where i always park is a consignment shop, and every now and then they throw out stuff. We got this kid booster seat there a while back that was the exact replica of the other kid booster seat, so that was cool. But this time BOOM the car was sitting there. Well of course I couldn't pass that one up. FREE is the new awesome in the Cardine home. Look at some of the things jen has scored in the last couple months
. So i brought the car home and while i was cleaning it, I noticed that there was no steering wheel. At first I was just going to leave it like that but the first thing Haven said was of course, "Where da deering wheel". And Maiya sat there trying to grab the invisible wheel. So there kicked in my Macgyver sense. I found and old PS1 controller in my basement, cut up an old curtain rod, and found some electrical tape. I screwed the rod into the controller, cut up some plastic pens to keep the steering mechanism (yes i said mechanism) from being too loose in the hole. and then i put it all together, with some more pens fastened internally so the kids couldn't pull it out. /flex

Not only did the kids love it, they absolutely loved it! Haven proceeded to make us laugh with is impressions. Imagine the famous line "Feeling Lucky Punk" by Dirty Harry being said by a 2 year old, and replace it with "Wanna DRIVE?!?!??!". I was rolling. Anyway, it was a fun night in the the Cardine Household.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

It's been a while...

So as you can tell from my lack of posting in the last... month, i've been pretty busy. Work has been tremendously busy. In sept & oct we were working on completing a huge project for Church & Dwight, which still isn't complete. It should probably be up in Q1 of next year once it passed their legal review in the next couple months. The Cardine family went on a needed 2 week vacation to visit my parents down in sunny Florida. It was mostly a chill vacation, so we didn't do the disney thing this time. Plus we weren't sure the kids would appreciate it as much at this age. We'll most likely do it next year when we go down.

This past monday was my first day back at work and it was fairly quiet since i left. No fires came up, which was amazing to hear. We have an awesome opportunity to do a sizable job with a very high profile client, so this week I started learning some new technology we will be using on it. So this week I made a pizza ordering app in Silverlight which we will use internally to handle our monthly pizza party. It was pretty fun to do. I'll put up some screenies next week.

The fam is good. Maiya has been amazing us with the amount of words and things she's been saying and understanding. She walks around the house and sings the first line of the Barney song which cracks us up. Haven has hit the phase of needing to do everything himself, and if you even think about doing something that he thinks he can do, there is a meltdown. Jen and I are still trying to figure out how to deal with that. Today Jen is having another yard sale at Danna and Mannys house. Hopefully it is a little more successful than last time. I think with the money from the last one we were able to buy pizza for dinner. Here's hoping for chinese tonight! =)

Anyway... thats about it. I'm hoping to keep this a little more updated, as i know you all are dying to hear from me! =P

So last night 2 people told me it was too cold to play golf... i called them weenies! What do you think knowing that if you agree I will be calling YOU a weenie too!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Holey Cat

Our cat Cricket (AKA Rickety Cricket) is an indoor/outdoor cat. He goes outside when he needs to do his business, when he wants to terrorize the neighborhood wildlife, and when he wants to meet up with his pals and girlfriends. The other day when I came home he was laying by the door and I notice a hole a little smaller than a quarter in his side. It didn't go through his body, but it was deep enough to cause concern, and it looked infected. I guess one of the neighborhood gang cats thought he smelt good from his bath the other day, and tried to eat him... So Jen took him to the animal hospital that night and it ended up costing approx $210. I mean geez... $58 for the checkup, $47 for an antibiotic, $48 for rabies booster, and the rest for medicine. I mean talk about markup... No stitches. No surgery. Just a cleaning and some drugs. This is my first experience with a veterinarian, and hopefully my last. Growing up i don't remember ever bringing my animals to the doctor. We normally took the "It'll fix itself" approach, and it always worked out.

How much is it to put my animals on my health insurance? =P

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Dark clouds over my head

So I was thinking this morning about a post i could write about how this week has been pretty cool so far, and then my COMPUTER GOES DOWN! I mean seriously?!?!? For the most part this week has been good...

- 3 Free Lunches
- Shortened Week
- Saved money by fixing Ole Betsy (my car) myself
- Outback Ribs filling my bellah
- Awesome time at our churches Rock & Run for Africa
- Jen and I decided to host a small group for our church (let us know if you want to come! all welcome!)
- Jen found some awesome deals this week. Including: Free Playground which we put up in our front yard (pictures to follow), some nice patio furniture (Free), and other random stuff.


- Delay of fixing car b/c store didn't do what they said they were going to do on time
- 1 number off on the Mega Millions from winning $10! (i mean cmon... 2 numbers should give me my money back at least!)
- Finding out i have to demo an app for our client and like 20 others next week in Princeton... maybe we'll go to Keens afterwards again... if so, you can scratch this.
- Birds pooping all over our car, and on my buddy who brought me to work while my car was injured.
- Jen running out of water the other day at home (happens when all the planets align)
- Maiya with a cold waking up every night this week

Monday, August 31, 2009

Childhood Friends

I had a fun weekend this past weekend. After an exhausting work week with fast approaching deadlines and … special clients =), it was nice to have some time to be with friends, and family, who desire nothing of me apart from love.

Saturday we got to hang out with some friends who have a little girl, who has in the last year has become Haven’s best friend. It makes me happy to see how much fun they have together, showing off their ABC’s, 123’s, songs, jumping skills, and just being kids. We taught them how to play Hide & Seek, which was an epic fail as they couldn’t stay hidden as when one would declare “Here I come!” the other would answer back “I’m right here!”. It was funny to say the least. I hope they and the other rugrats around them are friends for a long time.

Sunday we went to a birthday party of the little girl of some long lost friends, Sam and Rob, of whom we recently got back in touch with. I think I had a better time at the party then my 2 children. It was great to reconnect with them and a bunch of others who I’ve missed. Rob and I were childhood friends. I spent many of summers at his house during break from school. The Forests were like my other family. They had the biggest family I had ever known of at the time, with 6 kids, which made it easier to find people to play baseball with. =) I would stay over weeks at a time and would occasionally phone home to let my mother know I was still alive when Janet (Rob’s mother) would ask me to. I would go to their family functions and trips, and they introduced me to cinnamon toast (the real stuff, not the cereal =P)! Janet even tried to force feed me foods I hated (cough broccoli), unfortunately that didn’t go over that well, and she never tried again. At times I was the voice of reason between Rob and his mother, and would coerce & help Rob to do chores for money. I think we were saving up to buy something cool. Possibly a radio controlled plane or something as we both wanted to be air force pilots (obviously didn't happen =P). And now that I think of it, I don’t think I ever got my cut. The Forests were my first experience with homeschoolers. I remember thinking it was so cool that they didn’t have to go to public school, and had tried to get my mother to let me go check it out a couple times, but she didn’t buy into it. My second experience with homeschoolers was with my lovely wife and her sister, who I don’t think had a similar experience.

The Forests also lived in the largest house I had seen at the time, a large log cabin in the woods, which they had built themselves. I remember I was dropped off at the bottom of their development a few times in the winter as it was “treacherous” to drive up their roads in the snow. It seemed like a long haul, but it was all worth the fun I would have when I got there. We used to have large capture the flag games in the woods that surrounded their house. Before we got caught and reprimanded, we used to tie our captors up to trees in our jail area. They were also my first experience with foster care. They fostered a number of kids when I was there, which was something I never knew about. I was there so much, that it was sad for me some times to see them leave. They even took me in for a few weeks when times were rough at home, and I needed a place to stay. The great thing is that even after all their kids have grown up and left they are still caring for foster kids, and looking to adopt.

It’s funny because even before this party, and before we got back in touch with these friends, I was thinking about writing a post like Billy Corgan’s “I want my band back” ad in the Chicago Tribune, but called “I want my Forests back”. I learned a lot from the Forests growing up. I learned that I love big families, no matter how dysfunctional it can be at times, they are always there for you. I learned that we aren’t here to just care for ourselves, but for others. I learned that we can do so much more than we think we can, no matter how difficult we think life can be. I’ve learned that there is more to life than fame and fortune, and that there’s nothing that can take that realization away. I thank God that I was able to grow up in a “safe” environment. I know many who haven’t had the same, and have fallen to the wayside, and have to make bigger decisions then they should ever have at those ages. I thank God for my family, and hope my children have Forest families in their life that can help them grow, and learn when they feel their mother and I just don’t get it.

Many thanks to the Forest clan for putting up with and taking care of me for so many years; I hope that we can continue to be in each other lives.

Cheers to Childhood Friends.